Ulysses at Random




独り語りは大胆になっていった。 第137投。8ページ、217行目。 He had spoken himself into boldness. Stephen, shielding the gaping wounds which the words had left in his heart, said very coldly: —I am not thinking of the offence to my mother. —…

118 (U3.34)

砲床からぽんと飛び降りると、視線を送る相手をまじまじと見つめ、 第118投。3ページ、34行目。 He skipped off the gunrest and looked gravely at his watcher, gathering about his legs the loose folds of his gown. The plump shadowed face and sulle…

84 (U6.139)

―自分の顔を見てみろよ、みっともない詩人殿。 第84投。6ページ、139行目。 —Look at yourself, he said, you dreadful bard! Stephen bent forward and peered at the mirror held out to him, cleft by a crooked crack. Hair on end. As he and others se…

74 (U16.582)

バック・マリガンはあっけらかんとあけすけな笑いの仮面を 第74投。16ページ、582行目。 Buck Mulligan at once put on a blithe broadly smiling face. He looked at them, his wellshaped mouth open happily, his eyes, from which he had suddenly withd…

40 (U18.691)

バック・マリガンはブーツの紐をほどこうと腰をおろした。 第40投。18ページ、691行目。 Buck Mulligan sat down to unlace his boots. An elderly man shot up near the spur of rock a blowing red face. He scrambled up by the stones, water glistening…

36 (U10.315)

塔の中の薄暗い穹窿天井の居室で、 第36投。10ページ、315行。 In the gloomy domed livingroom of the tower Buck Mulligan’s gowned form moved briskly to and fro about the hearth, hiding and revealing its yellow glow. Two shafts of soft daylight…

8 (U18.665)

空虚は、風を織る者たちをしかと待ち構える。 8投目、18ページ、665行目。 The void awaits surely all them that weave the wind: a menace, a disarming and a worsting from those embattled angels of the church, Michael’s host, who defend her ever …