Ulysses at Random



161(U35.185) ー 空腹と歯痛

偉そうに歩いている。 第161投。35ページ、185行目。 Proudly walking. Whom were you trying to walk like? Forget: a dispossessed. With mother’s money order, eight shillings, the banging door of the post office slammed in your face by the usher…

160(U355.179) ー 轢かれかける男

(急いで道を渡ろうとすると、浮浪児たちが大声を出す。) 第160投。355ページ、179行目。 (He darts to cross the road. Urchins shout.) THE URCHINS: Mind out, mister! (Two cyclists, with lighted paper lanterns aswing, swim by him, grazing him, t…

159(U240.26)ー チキン小路の謎

―こんなとこで何してんだい。ジョーが言う。 第159投。240ページ、16行目。 —What are you doing round those parts? says Joe. —Devil a much, says I. There’s a bloody big foxy thief beyond by the garrison church at the corner of Chicken lane—old …

158(U502.61) ー 柔術の奨め

途次、口数の少ないそして忌憚なく言うならば 第158投。502べージ、61行目。 En route to his taciturn and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom who at all events was in complete possession of his faculti…