Ulysses at Random




貸馬車324番、馭者はバートン・ジェイムズ 第147投。230ページ、885行目。 A hackney car, number three hundred and twentyfour, driver Barton James of number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on which sat a fare, a young gentleman, stylishly dress…

128 (U217.301)

賢明ブルームは扉のポスターを目視した。 第128投。217ページ、301行目。 Wise Bloom eyed on the door a poster, a swaying mermaid smoking mid nice waves. Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all. Hair streaming: lovelorn. For some man. For Raoul. H…

114 (U221.42)

黒。重く響く。やれよ、ベン、やれ。 第114投。211ページ。42行目。 Black. Deepsounding. Do, Ben, do. Wait while you wait. Hee hee. Wait while you hee. But wait! Low in dark middle earth. Embedded ore. Naminedamine. Preacher is he: All gone. A…

75 (U212.100)

―お茶をどうぞ、と言った 第75投、212ページ、100行目。 —There’s your teas, he said. Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, low. —What is it? loud boots unmannerly asked. —Find out, …

73 (U230.907)

悲しいというところは詩的すぎる。 第73投、230ページ、907行目。 Too poetical that about the sad. Music did that. Music hath charms. Shakespeare said. Quotations every day in the year. To be or not to be. Wisdom while you wait. このブログでは…

52 (U215.212)

―さてと、彼は詩案した、おおせの通り。 第52投。215ページ、212行目。 —Well now, he mused, whatever you say yourself. I think I’ll trouble you for some fresh water and a half glass of whisky. Jingle. —With the greatest alacrity, miss Douce ag…

43 (U230.907)

悲しいというところは詩的すぎる。 第43投。230ページ、907行目 Too poetical that about the sad. Music did that. Music hath charms. Shakespeare said. Quotations every day in the year. To be or not to be. Wisdom while you wait. In Gerard’s rose…

38 (U227.752)

―われのもとへ。 第38投。227ページ、752行目。 —To me! Siopold! Consumed. Come. Well sung. All clapped. She ought to. Come. To me, to him, to her, you too, me, us. ―われのもとへ。 サイオポールド。 燃え尽きた。 来た。上手い。みんな拍手。彼女…

19 (U222.560)

まあ、なるほど、あれで彼のバス・バレルトーンが出るわけだ。 第19投。222ページ、560行目。 Well, of course that’s what gives him the base barreltone. For instance eunuchs. Wonder who’s playing. Nice touch. Must be Cowley. Musical. Knows whate…

18 (U225.699)

衰えがこなければ。 前回のブログのすぐ近くに落ちました。225ページ、699行目。 If he doesn’t break down. Keep a trot for the avenue. His hands and feet sing too. Drink. Nerves overstrung. Must be abstemious to sing. Jenny Lind soup: stock, sa…

17 (U224.632)

リッチーは唇を突き出した。 第17投。224ページ、632行。 Richie cocked his lips apout. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all. A thrush. A throstle. His breath, birdsweet, good teeth he’s proud of, fluted with plaintive woe. Is lost…