Ulysses at Random



14 (U120.955)

ぴょんぴょん跳ねる新聞売りの少年の一群が 第14投。120ページ、955行目。 A bevy of scampering newsboys rushed down the steps, scattering in all directions, yelling, their white papers fluttering. Hard after them Myles Crawford appeared on the…

1 (U123.1075)

-片取っ手付きの不倫男か まず一投目。123そして1075と出た。 第7章のいちばん最後。 —Onehandled adulterer, he said smiling grimly. That tickles me, I must say. —Tickled the old ones too, Myles Crawford said, if the God Almighty’s truth was kn…