Ulysses at Random



165(U220.441) ー 禿の給仕にシードルを注文

ため息をついて、デッダラス氏が広間から出て来た。 第165投。220ページ、441行目。 Sighing Mr Dedalus came through the saloon, a finger soothing an eyelid. —Hoho, we will, Ben Dollard yodled jollily. Come on, Simon. Give us a ditty. We heard t…

164(U389.1336)  ー ソロモンの歌を口ずさむ女

ゾーイ:(小声で音楽にあわせて詠唱している。 第164投。389ページ、1336行目。 ZOE: (Murmuring singsong with the music, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater.) Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim. BL…

163(U515.652) ー アイルランドは各員に期待する

とはいえ事柄の詳細に立ち入るまでもなく 第163投。515ぺージ、652行目。 Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things some…

160(U355.179) ー 路面電車に轢かれかける

(急いで道を渡ろうとすると、浮浪児たちが大声を出す。) 第160投。355ページ、179行目。 (He darts to cross the road. Urchins shout.) THE URCHINS: Mind out, mister! (Two cyclists, with lighted paper lanterns aswing, swim by him, grazing him, t…

158(U502.61) ー 柔術の奨め

途次、口数の少ないそして忌憚なく言うならば 第158投。502べージ、61行目。 En route to his taciturn and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom who at all events was in complete possession of his faculti…

157(U62.168) ー マッコイのおしゃべり頭

―なんで、彼がどうしたって、 第157投。62ページ、168行目。 —Why? I said. What’s wrong with him? I said. Proud: rich: silk stockings. —Yes, Mr Bloom said. He moved a little to the side of M’Coy’s talking head. Getting up in a minute. —What’s …

155(U529.1263) ー マッキントッシュの男

L.ブーム氏(不正確な記述に従うならば) 第155投。529ページ、1263行目。 Nettled not a little by L. Boom (as it incorrectly stated) and the line of bitched type but tickled to death simultaneously by C. P. M’Coy and Stephen Dedalus B. A. who …

153(U612.212)  ー バイロン卿に扮した男

だってかれはとてもハンサムだったわ 第153投。612ページ、212行目。 because he was very handsome at that time trying to look like Lord Byron I said I liked though he was too beautiful for a man and he was a little before we got engaged afterw…

152(U1296.538) ー 自制心あふれる紳士

そして彼女は向こうのほうへ行き 第152投。296ページ、538行目。 So over she went and when he saw her coming she could see him take his hand out of his pocket, getting nervous, and beginning to play with his watchchain, looking up at the churc…

151(U566.816) ー サー・ヒューまたはユダヤの娘

現れたのはユダヤの娘 第151投。566ページ、816行目。 Then out there came the jew’s daughter And she all dressed in green. “Come back, come back, you pretty little boy, And play your ball again.” I can’t come back and I won’t come back Withou…


踊り場にて ちょうど150回まで来たので3度目の小休止。違うテーマについてまとめます。 『ユリシーズ』は1904年6月16日にダブリン起こったできごとを描いており、読者は主人公のブルーム氏とスティーヴンの一日の動向を、地図の上で追いかけるのが読む楽しみ…


知性に恵まれた若者が、彼の隣の人物が明らかにそうであるのだが 第149投。535ページ、1555行目 It was a thousand pities a young fellow, blessed with an allowance of brains as his neighbour obviously was, should waste his valuable time with prof…


あそこで彼女はみんなと花火を見ようとしている。 146投。304ページ、.898行目。 There she is with them down there for the fireworks. My fireworks. Up like a rocket, down like a stick. And the children, twins they must be, waiting for something…


ブルーム:あれはオーロラか鋳物工場か。 第145投。355ページ、170行目。 (He stands at Cormack’s corner, watching.) BLOOM: Aurora borealis or a steel foundry? Ah, the brigade, of course. South side anyhow. Big blaze. Might be his house. Beggar…


鎖の手前で馬はゆっくり反対方向の向きへと転回したが 第144投。540ページ、1778行目。 By the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which perceiving, Bloom, who was keeping a sharp lookout as usual, plucked the other’s sleeve gently, jocosel…


ベロ:(ぶつくさ言いながらあおむけのブルームの顔の上にしゃがみ込む。 第142投。435ページ、2933行目。 BELLO: (Squats with a grunt on Bloom’s upturned face, puffing cigarsmoke, nursing a fat leg.) I see Keating Clay is elected vicechairman of…


ブルーム:こりゃ当てのない捜索だ。 第140投。369ぺージ、.634行目。 BLOOM: Wildgoose chase this. Disorderly houses. Lord knows where they are gone. Drunks cover distance double quick. Nice mixup. Scene at Westland row. Then jump in first cla…


男が後ろから2人の間を通り抜け、会釈して出て行った。 第136投。179ページ、1205行目。 A man passed out between them, bowing, greeting. —Good day again, Buck Mulligan said. The portico. Here I watched the birds for augury. Ængus of the birds.…


ゾーイ:(うれしそうに。)目が見ないものは心も嘆かない。 第134投。408ページ、2002行目。 ZOE: (Flattered.) What the eye can’t see the heart can’t grieve for. (She pats him.) Come. BLOOM: Laughing witch! The hand that rocks the cradle. ZOE: …


ブルーム:(盲目の若者と握手し。)我が兄弟も同然。 第132投。397べージ、160 BLOOM: (Shaking hands with a blind stripling.) My more than Brother! (Placing his arms round the shoulders of an old couple.) Dear old friends! (He plays pussy four…


―ああ、あなたもあそこに寄港したことがあるんだね 第131投。515べージ、621行目。 —Ah, you’ve touched there too, Mr Bloom said, Europa point, thinking he had, in the hope that the rover might possibly by some reminiscences but he failed to do …

130 (U596.1948)

いかなる侮辱が随伴したか。 第130投。596ページ、1948行目。 With which attendant indignities? The unsympathetic indifference of previously amiable females, the contempt of muscular males, the acceptance of fragments of bread, the simulated i…

129 (U644.1611)

あのひととおなじくらい彼がすきだと思ったそして 第129投。644ページ、1611行目。 I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first…

128 (U217.301)

賢明ブルームは扉のポスターを目視した。 第128投。217ページ、301行目。 Wise Bloom eyed on the door a poster, a swaying mermaid smoking mid nice waves. Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all. Hair streaming: lovelorn. For some man. For Raoul. H…

125 (U558.560)

いかなる気質を2人は個々に体現していたか。 第125投。558べージ、560行目。 What two temperaments did they individually represent? The scientific. The artistic. What proofs did Bloom adduce to prove that his tendency was towards applied, rath…


コーニー・ケラハー:(笑いながら、工事の足場に寄せて止めた馬車を肩越しに親指で指して) 第124投。494ページ、4864行目。 CORNY KELLEHER: (Laughs, pointing his thumb over his right shoulder to the car brought up against the scaffolding.) Two c…

122 (U126.83)

弱く羽ばたき輪を描く。もう投げないよ。 第122投。126ページ、.83行目 They wheeled flapping weakly. I’m not going to throw any more. Penny quite enough. Lot of thanks I get. Not even a caw. They spread foot and mouth disease too. If you cram …

121 (U616.375)

ふつうの工員さんがわたしたちを客車にふたりきりにしてくれた 第121投。616ページ、375行目 that common workman that left us alone in the carriage that day going to Howth Id like to find out something about him 1 or 2 tunnels perhaps then you h…

119 (U628.912)

ほっとするわ所かまわず気にせず風を吹かせましょう 第119投。628ページ、912行目。 that was a relief wherever you be let your wind go free who knows if that pork chop I took with my cup of tea after was quite good with the heat I couldnt smell…

117 (U636.1253)

彼はあのときのことを忘れているのかしら 第117投。636ページ、1253行目。 I dont know what he forgets that wethen I dont Ill make him do it again if he doesnt mind himself and lock him down to sleep in the coalcellar with the blackbeetles I wo…