Ulysses at Random




コーニー・ケラハー:(笑いながら、工事の足場に寄せて止めた馬車を肩越しに親指で指して) 第124投。494ページ、4864行目。 CORNY KELLEHER: (Laughs, pointing his thumb over his right shoulder to the car brought up against the scaffolding.) Two c…

123 (U22.118)

―ホッケーだぞ。 第123投。22ページ、118行目。 He stood up and gave a shout of nervous laughter to which their cries echoed dismay. A stick struck the door and a voice in the corridor called: —Hockey! 立ちあがりぎこちなく笑い声をあびせると生…

122 (U126.83)

弱く羽ばたき輪を描く。もう投げないよ。 第122投。126ページ、.83行目 They wheeled flapping weakly. I’m not going to throw any more. Penny quite enough. Lot of thanks I get. Not even a caw. They spread foot and mouth disease too. If you cram …

121 (U616.375)

ふつうの工員さんがわたしたちを客車にふたりきりにしてくれた 第121投。616ページ、375行目 that common workman that left us alone in the carriage that day going to Howth Id like to find out something about him 1 or 2 tunnels perhaps then you h…

120 (U165.621)

ーゴルギアスの弟子のアンティステネスは、スティーヴンは言った、 第120投。165ページ、621行目。 —Antisthenes, pupil of Gorgias, Stephen said, took the palm of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus’ brooddam, Argive Helen, the wooden mare of Troy in who…

119 (U628.912)

ほっとするわ所かまわず気にせず風を吹かせましょう 第119投。628ページ、912行目。 that was a relief wherever you be let your wind go free who knows if that pork chop I took with my cup of tea after was quite good with the heat I couldnt smell…

118 (U3.34)

砲床からぽんと飛び降りると、視線を送る相手をまじまじと見つめ、 第118投。3ページ、34行目。 He skipped off the gunrest and looked gravely at his watcher, gathering about his legs the loose folds of his gown. The plump shadowed face and sulle…