Ulysses at Random



88 (U140.740)

さて何を飲もうかな。と、時計を取り出した。 第88投。140べージ、740行目。 What will I take now? He drew his watch. Let me see now. Shandygaff? —Hello, Bloom, Nosey Flynn said from his nook. —Hello, Flynn. —How’s things? —Tiptop... Let me see…

87 (U373.773)

2人目の夜警:(涙をうかべブルームを見て。)お前はとことん恥じるべきだ。 第87投。373ページ、773行目。 SECOND WATCH: (Tears in his eyes, to Bloom.) You ought to be thoroughly well ashamed of yourself. BLOOM: Gentlemen of the jury, let me ex…

86 (U63.240)

利口なトラ猫、瞬きするスフィンクス 第86投。63ページ、240行目。 A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. Pity to disturb them. Mohammed cut a piece out of his mantle not to wake her. Open it. And once I played marbles wh…

85 (U638.1356)

きっと彼はとても優秀なんだろうな 第85投。638ページ、1356行目。 Im sure hes very distinguished Id like to meet a man like that God not those other ruck besides hes young those fine young men I could see down in Margate strand bathingplace f…

84 (U6.139)

―自分の顔を見てみろよ、みっともない詩人殿。 第84投。6ページ、139行目。 —Look at yourself, he said, you dreadful bard! Stephen bent forward and peered at the mirror held out to him, cleft by a crooked crack. Hair on end. As he and others se…