Ulysses at Random



158(U502.61) ー 柔術の奨め

途次、口数の少ないそして忌憚なく言うならば 第158投。502べージ、61行目。 En route to his taciturn and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom who at all events was in complete possession of his faculti…

155(U529.1263) ー マッキントッシュの男

L.ブーム氏(不正確な記述に従うならば) 第155投。529ページ、1263行目。 Nettled not a little by L. Boom (as it incorrectly stated) and the line of bitched type but tickled to death simultaneously by C. P. M’Coy and Stephen Dedalus B. A. who …


知性に恵まれた若者が、彼の隣の人物が明らかにそうであるのだが 第149投。535ページ、1555行目 It was a thousand pities a young fellow, blessed with an allowance of brains as his neighbour obviously was, should waste his valuable time with prof…


鎖の手前で馬はゆっくり反対方向の向きへと転回したが 第144投。540ページ、1778行目。 By the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which perceiving, Bloom, who was keeping a sharp lookout as usual, plucked the other’s sleeve gently, jocosel…


―ああ、あなたもあそこに寄港したことがあるんだね 第131投。515べージ、621行目。 —Ah, you’ve touched there too, Mr Bloom said, Europa point, thinking he had, in the hope that the rover might possibly by some reminiscences but he failed to do …

106 (U520.881)

私の妻は、いわばスペイン人、ハーフです。 第106投。520ページ、881行目。 My wife is, so to speak, Spanish, half that is. Point of fact she could actually claim Spanish nationality if she wanted, having been born in (technically) Spain, i.e. …

92 (U522.929)

男が周囲の状況を確かめる動作をしながら立ち上がった時、 第92投。522ページ、929行目。 While he was in the act of getting his bearings Mr Bloom who noticed when he stood up that he had two flasks of presumably ship’s rum sticking one out of e…

56 (U541.1814)

素晴らしい変奏曲について彼は説明していた 第56投。541ぺージ、1814行目。 Exquisite variations he was now describing on an air Youth here has End by Jans Pieter Sweelinck, a Dutchman of Amsterdam where the frows come from. Even more he liked …


二人が、さらに話しながら車道のほうへ近づいていくと、 第51投。540ページ、1773行目。 On the roadway which they were approaching whilst still speaking beyond the swingchains a horse, dragging a sweeper, paced on the paven ground, brushing a l…

32 (U540.1753)

概していえば、『ドン・ジョヴァンニ』 第32投。540ページ、1753行目。 On the whole though favouring preferably light opera of the Don Giovanni description and Martha, a gem in its line, he had a penchant, though with only a surface knowledge,…

23 (U510.432)

窓に顔。ゴールのテープを胸で切り、 第23投。510ページ、432行目と出ました。 The face at the window! Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half, wrecked in his affec…