Ulysses at Random




貸馬車324番、馭者はバートン・ジェイムズ 第147投。230ページ、885行目。 A hackney car, number three hundred and twentyfour, driver Barton James of number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on which sat a fare, a young gentleman, stylishly dress…


あそこで彼女はみんなと花火を見ようとしている。 146投。304ページ、.898行目。 There she is with them down there for the fireworks. My fireworks. Up like a rocket, down like a stick. And the children, twins they must be, waiting for something…


ブルーム:あれはオーロラか鋳物工場か。 第145投。355ページ、170行目。 (He stands at Cormack’s corner, watching.) BLOOM: Aurora borealis or a steel foundry? Ah, the brigade, of course. South side anyhow. Big blaze. Might be his house. Beggar…


鎖の手前で馬はゆっくり反対方向の向きへと転回したが 第144投。540ページ、1778行目。 By the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which perceiving, Bloom, who was keeping a sharp lookout as usual, plucked the other’s sleeve gently, jocosel…


スッ、チッ、チッ、チッ。三日もベッドで呻いて 第143投。132ページ、373行目。 Sss. Dth, dth, dth! Three days imagine groaning on a bed with a vinegared handkerchief round her forehead, her belly swollen out. Phew! Dreadful simply! Child’s hea…


ベロ:(ぶつくさ言いながらあおむけのブルームの顔の上にしゃがみ込む。 第142投。435ページ、2933行目。 BELLO: (Squats with a grunt on Bloom’s upturned face, puffing cigarsmoke, nursing a fat leg.) I see Keating Clay is elected vicechairman of…