Ulysses at Random



27 (U199.831)

トネリコの杖の握りで肩甲骨を叩きながら、 第27投、199ベージ 831行目。 Stephen went down Bedford row, the handle of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade. In Clohissey’s window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his eye. St…

26 (U643.1601)

そうそれから風変わりなちいさな通り 第26投。643ページ、1601行目. yes and all the queer little streets and the pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I w…

25 (U368.608)

(彼は売春婦たちの溜りを抜けて、 第25投。368ページ、608行目と出ました。 (He plodges through their sump towards the lighted street beyond. From a bulge of window curtains a gramophone rears a battered brazen trunk. In the shadow a shebeenke…

24 (U244.213)

額に汗して稼いだ金さ 第24投。244ページ、213行目。 —Sweat of my brow, says Joe. ’Twas the prudent member gave me the wheeze. —I saw him before I met you, says I, sloping around by Pill lane and Greek street with his cod’s eye counting up al…

23 (U510.432)

窓に顔。ゴールのテープを胸で切り、 第23投。510ページ、432行目と出ました。 The face at the window! Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half, wrecked in his affec…

22 (U151.26)

微笑め。クランリーの笑みを笑め。 第22投。151ページ、26行目。 Smile. Smile Cranly’s smile. First he tickled her Then he patted her Then he passed the female catheter For he was a medical Jolly old medi... 微笑め。クランリーの笑みを笑め。 ま…

21 (U171.868)

ラトランドベイコンサウサンプトンシェイクスピアあるいは 第21投。171ページ、 868行目。 When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the same name in the comedy of errors wrote Hamlet he was not the father of his own son merely …

20 (U432.2819)

蹄: 熱い山羊革の匂いをかぎな。 第20投。432ページ、2819行目。 THE HOOF: Smell my hot goathide. Feel my royal weight. BLOOM: (Crosslacing.) Too tight? THE HOOF: If you bungle, Handy Andy, I’ll kick your football for you. 蹄: 熱い山羊革の匂…

19 (U222.560)

まあ、なるほど、あれで彼のバス・バレルトーンが出るわけだ。 第19投。222ページ、560行目。 Well, of course that’s what gives him the base barreltone. For instance eunuchs. Wonder who’s playing. Nice touch. Must be Cowley. Musical. Knows whate…

18 (U225.699)

衰えがこなければ。 前回のブログのすぐ近くに落ちました。225ページ、699行目。 If he doesn’t break down. Keep a trot for the avenue. His hands and feet sing too. Drink. Nerves overstrung. Must be abstemious to sing. Jenny Lind soup: stock, sa…

17 (U224.632)

リッチーは唇を突き出した。 第17投。224ページ、632行。 Richie cocked his lips apout. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all. A thrush. A throstle. His breath, birdsweet, good teeth he’s proud of, fluted with plaintive woe. Is lost…