Ulysses at Random



80 (U483.4498)

(パリのケヴィン・イーガン、黒いスペイン風の房付きシャツに 第80投。483ページ、4498行目。 (Kevin Egan of Paris in black Spanish tasselled shirt and peep-o’-day boy’s hat signs to Stephen.) KEVIN EGAN: H’lo! Bonjour! The vieille ogresse with…

79 (U280.1805)

―メンデルスゾーンはユダヤ人だ。カール・マルクスも 第79投。280ページ、1805行目。 —Mendelssohn was a jew and Karl Marx and Mercadante and Spinoza. And the Saviour was a jew and his father was a jew. Your God. —He had no father, says Martin. …