Ulysses at Random



127 (U114.749)

J.J.オモロイがスティーヴンに向かって、小声でゆっくりと言った。 第127投、114ページ、749行目。 J.J. O’Molloy turned to Stephen and said quietly and slowly: —One of the most polished periods I think I ever listened to in my life fell from the…

126 (U168.762)

われながら万事快調。神学論理言語学の混交混ぜ合わせ 第126投。168べージ、762行目。 I think you’re getting on very nicely. Just mix up a mixture of theolologicophilolological. Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere. —Prove that he was a jew, John Egli…

125 (U558.560)

いかなる気質を2人は個々に体現していたか。 第125投。558べージ、560行目。 What two temperaments did they individually represent? The scientific. The artistic. What proofs did Bloom adduce to prove that his tendency was towards applied, rath…