Ulysses at Random




ーおや、なんてこった。手紙を一通読んだジョウが言う。 第139投。249ページ、417行目。 —O, Christ M’Keown, says Joe, reading one of the letters. Listen to this, will you? And he starts reading out one. 7 Hunter Street, Liverpool. To the High S…

95 (U269.1314)

そんで、やつはパイントをぐっと飲み干した。 第95投。269ページ、1314行目。 And he took the last swig out of the pint. Moya. All wind and piss like a tanyard cat. Cows in Connacht have long horns. As much as his bloody life is worth to go dow…

79 (U280.1805)

―メンデルスゾーンはユダヤ人だ。カール・マルクスも 第79投。280ページ、1805行目。 —Mendelssohn was a jew and Karl Marx and Mercadante and Spinoza. And the Saviour was a jew and his father was a jew. Your God. —He had no father, says Martin. …

76 (U245.231)

『アイリッシュすべてはアイルランドのためのインデペンデント』 第76投。245ページ、231行目。 Listen to the births and deaths in the Irish all for Ireland Independent, and I’ll thank you and the marriages. And he starts reading them out: —Gord…

48 (U260.921)

このアイルランドのカルーソーにしてガリバルディは最上のコンディションにあり 第48投。260ページ、921行目。 The Irish Caruso-Garibaldi was in superlative form and his stentorian notes were heard to the greatest advantage in the timehonoured an…